Wednesday, July 13


Yah, I am older, so now I can start to think about acting my age, as fucken if. That would mean I should be married to a woman who pretends to love me but secretly fantasies about running off with anyone who shows her any interest and have a bunch of shitty sprogs that eat me out of house and home, think I'm a tool and cost me a fortune in peer group pressure buys and school fees. Phew sometimes being a 'mosexual rocks even more than you could possibly imagine.

So woke up this morning to hubbies birthday wishes (he is so cute and sexy in bed...well he is sexy anywhere, but I love his messed up hair, just woke up look the most) and as an example of my creeping dementia (can you get that at 36 or is it just the follow on from rampant drug experimentation) I had actually forgotten about it until he gave me the hatch day wishes. In fact, yesterday I thought I had missed it entirely and no one had bothered to say anything as well, how very Molly (16 Candles) Ringwald of me.

My littlest brother tried calling me a few times, the first time I was washing the bits and pieces and the second I had a face full of toast and a cup full of hot water and lemon juice and I'm too old to be interested in running to answer a phone like some kind of tragic teenage fucko desperate for recognition and approval. Then mum got through to send me her love and apologise for being slack with the forwarding of a present which her and Dad intend to deliver to me personally in August.

Wandered into work were the day has been broken up with calls and SMS's wishing me the best. Although not many people at work have bothered to say anything to me and as far as my declaration to hubby this morning that I would be eating cake for lunch it is a good thing I had money in my pocket to buy a pastry case of lips, tits, arseholes and face bits commonly referred to as a meat pie, because this little fuckos cake never turned up. How ungrateful and self absorbed of them to think I wouldn't want one.

As for tonight, well we are off to our mates little cafe so we can sit at the bar with her and hoover a plate full of roast meat and vegies for their $10 roast night, gotta love a cheap, pensioner type feed. According to rumours I have heard red wine will be served and I will be force fed massive chunks of Mar Bar slice....bring it on fucko, I am so bang up for that. Remember it is never too late to give so organise something with a value of a hundred bucks or more and forward it to me post haste.

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