Monday, February 21


First things first, what the hell is FUCKO INC you may be asking? If you weren't asking that, then allow me to force you to think about it and now that you have done that, it's time to suffer through the explanation for it as well. Let's just say, one of my dear, close, potty mouthed friends slipped that word into my mental dictionary a few years ago....thanks so much Claire. I should also mention that Claire was a delicate little flower when she first met me, but 7 years of working together changed her into a carbon copy of me...a constantly swearing, foul mouthed little minx who only stopped mid curse to perve at the passing punters, although conversations could continue while said cursing was being said. Does that make sense? Anyway, I have no idea where she found it or how it arrived in her head but I will forever be grateful for its inclusion in my life. Perhaps I should explain its adaptability to your everyday living. Fucko is a cheesier way of saying that favourite of four letter words FUCK, it can be as loving or as brutal as you wish it to be, it all comes down to the two "P's".

PRESENTATION - How you choose to present the word in a sentence.

PASSION - The passion with which you slip it or spit it out of your mouth.

For example Johnny might say as he wanders into work and greets his beloved co-workers

"Morning you bunch of Fucko's, how are ya?"

and Johnny's co workers might reply with

"Good thanks fucko and you?"

and that would be a delightful display of friends expressing their love for one another with a personalized greeting....sort of.

Then again if Johnny was cut off in traffic whilst driving he might choose to roll his window down and yell

"You fucko! Where did you learn to drive at Fucko headquarters?"

each letter coming from his mouth with a volley of spittle and phlegm that sprays forth in a display of open hostility and hatred. That would be.....well honestly it would show that Johnny really needs to take public transport and maybe indulge in some sort of rest and relaxation workshop, but it would also display the word 'fucko' in its most brutal form.

Now that you have seen the majestic beauty of the word fucko and its many uses may I suggest you make it part of your everyday, slip it in when you are next in conversation and see how your friends react, share it with loved ones or just spit it at the next stupid fucko that rubs you up the wrong way. Anyway I think I have said enough for today, more to come as I allow my thoughts to attach themselves to the keyboard in front of me, then pollute the minds of good, God fearing people like yourselves. Actually if you read this far and you are actually a good, God fearing person, no doubt you are tut tutting me and thinking how lucky you are because you won't have to share a cloud with me in heaven sprouting philosophies about Fucko cause I will be burning in hell with anyone else that ever used the word FUCKO.

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