Saturday, January 10


I think I ignore this blog almost as much as I ignore my tax returns, and my gym work outs, lets not forget ironing and the sort of house cleaning that usually involves dust removal, floor mopping and vacuuming...seriously, I need to do all those things right now, but it looks like sitting on my lardy arse and typing wins out...hurrah! Anyway I've given up on apologising to my non existent readers for not updating this blog. Which could be the reason no one ever bothers to read it...cos its never fucken updated. The quote 'build it and they will come' is ringing in my head for some reason. Anyway, as I've already washed my hands of all guilt and responsibility I suppose I should move onto some sort of content for this entry.

Right now I should be adding words to the special project I've set for myself, but I think I'm terrified of the commitment involved and the work needed to see it through. I know I have the talent and skill to pull it off but everything seems way too much for me lately. I lie in bed at night saying things like...

Ok if I start by cleaning the bathroom then I can move onto the next room, that's simple isn't it? Its a toilet, a sink, a floor, a bath and a shower. That's like 5 things which could be done in 10 to 15 minutes.

Oh and just in case you think I'm crazy as well as lazy, when I said I'm saying these things in my bed, I'm not saying them out loud, we're talking a totally private show that goes on in my head. There's also this one

Well all I have to do is put on my t-shirt, my shorts and my runners and go to the gym, its across the road, its like 30 paces, you'll feel better, you'll lose weight, you'll sleep better, you'll live longer, you'll be able to shop where everyone else does rather than waiting for mui mui's and kaftans to come back into fashion.

These are all really good arguments, but instead of acknowledging them or even arguing with them, I just flat out ignore them. It's like they are dead to me, like I've moved on and I'll never invite them to one of my parties again. In all honesty, I couldn't throw a party anyway. That would involve transforming my house from a crack den within which a bag lady exploded to a pleasant urban interior of stylish poofter merchandise. I'm sure all the mod cons are still here, they've just been covered with piles of unfolded, freshly washed clothing, old newspapers, the iron on the table plus those broken speakers I am going to throw out.

Erk its starting to annoy me now. Perhaps that is what needed to happen. I write about it and shame myself into taking responsibility for it and then I'll actually do it. I just wanna be back in the arms of my one true love but until that happens it seems I'm much happier doing sweet fuck all. Which is why I'm completing this entry now so I can maybe go off and do one of the many things that I should be doing. I promise I'll update you if there is any progress but don't hold your breath....seriously.

1 comment:

spitandvinegar said...

Your thoughts sound similar to mine, but instead of thinking *I* should be doing all those things, I'm thinking, "Why the hell are my kids so lazy. I don't care if they are three and six. They should have some responsibility around this dump." Anywho, hope you come back to the dark, dark blogging world because you are funny.